Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm so tired of seeing my last post that I'm stopping by to just chat! Hi! So, happenings in this house have been:

Sam turned 7. I love him! He continually challenges me in my thoughts and parenting skills. He is creative and bright and funny and I adore him! He says the funniest things. Today he was next door with me while I was chatting me the mom. He suddenly said "Mom, I have to go home! There is a damsel in distress!" and out the door he went. He cracks me up!

Mothers Day: I'm so blessed to have my 5 beautiful children. I often feel overwhelmed at the responsibility and duties which I have to help them learn to traverse this very interesting world! They are delightful, challenging, funny, helpful, kind, amazing musicians and I'm glad they are mine. I spent a good portion of that day thinking of all the years that I yearned for children and didn't have them. It's amazing how life changes :)

I know how to knit! I am a beginner only but I can: Cast on, knit, purl, cast off, kss, add one, yarn over...I love it, love it, love it! I've knitted a ball, a washcloth, a pair of leg warmers for Sarah and I'm working on leg warmers for Lilly. I've discovered Debbie Bliss and ravelry. I love, love, love them both! I want to knit socks, sweaters, hats, gloves, and the cutest little elephant I found yesterday. Did I tell you that I love to knit?

I'm back in an ankle brace-Darn! Tarpal Tunnel. PT, lots and lots of ice, some shot therapy-Darn!

I am however walking about 4 miles a day now-I know because of my lil' pedometer. I have a favorite walk that is just over 3 miles. I've walked it everyday this past week. It's great mental therapy for me.

For those that know me, I'm a pianist. Bring it on and I can do practically anything on the piano. I however am not an organist. I've had to play the organ twice at church this past month for sacrament meeting. Oh, the stress! The duress! The agony! Alright, it wasn't that bad but it is the organ :)

I made the cutest-and I mean the cutest-puppies for a baby shower. I made them out of chenille, flannel, felt and they were one of the hits of the baby shower. (don't you wish I had a picture?)

I made fried chicken for the first time. It needed a lot more seasoning-not sure it was worth the oil, calories or time.

Whew! I feel caught up now...till next week! Promise!